"On Topic" with Erwin Chemerinsky

This episode’s guest is  the Dean of the Law School at the University of California, Berkeley. Dean Chemerinsky is the author of ten books, including the timely and influential “” with his colleague Howard Gilman. Chemerinsky writes a weekly  for the Sacramento Bee, a monthly  for the American Bar Association Journal, frequent opinion pieces that are published in newspapers across the country, and he still argues appellate cases, including cases before the United States Supreme Court. In 2017,  again named him the most influential person in legal education in the United States. 

“I think universities can model civil discourse, universities can provide a basis for exposing students to a variety of different ideas that I want on my campus and at my law school – to have a series of debates on controversial issues so long as the speakers can disagree without being disagreeable. They can model how people can handle controversial issues.”